Grouping Columns

You can include two or more Columns in the same Business Area Hierarchy level by using the Group With Previous flag. For example, you could define the following Business Area Hierarchy:

The example above shows a three-level hierarchy. Investigator ID and Investigator Name are both in the top level, which makes sense because they are alternate values for the same type of information. Patient is the middle level and Gender is the bottom level. In a visualization, users can drill down from the investigator by either name or ID, or view them both, to all patients for whom a particular investigator is responsible, to an investigator's male patients or the same investigator's female patients.

To define a Business Area Hierarchy:

  1. From the Business Area Hierarchies subtab on the Properties screen of the Business Area, click Add. The system displays the Create Business Area Hierarchies screen.
  2. Enter a name for the Business Area Hierarchy (required).
  3. Enter a description for the Business Area Hierarchy (optional).
  4. Click Apply. The system displays the Properties screen of the new hierarchy.
  5. Click Update. The system adds the Add Another Row button.
  6. Click Add Another Row.
  7. Click the Search icon in the Table column. The system opens a Search and Select screen.
  8. Click Go to see a list of all the Table Descriptors you have defined for the Business Area. Alternatively, enter the exact name of the Table Descriptor you want, or use special characters if you are unsure of the name (see "Searching" in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub User's Guide for instructions).

    The system displays one or more Table Descriptors.

  9. Click the Quick Select icon to select the Table Descriptor that is mapped to the Table instance you want to include in the Hierarchy.
  10. Click the Search icon in the Column Name column. The system opens a Search and Select screen.
  11. Click Go to see a list of all the Columns in the Table Descriptor. Alternatively, enter the exact name of the Column you want, or use special characters if you are unsure of the name (see "Searching" in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub User's Guide for instructions).

    The system displays one or more Columns.

  12. Click the Quick Select icon to select the Column you want to include in the Hierarchy.
  13. Repeat Steps 6-12.

    This time the system displays only the Table Descriptor you selected in Step 9 and any other Table Descriptors that are part of a Join that includes the Table Descriptor you selected.

    In addition, beginning with the second row, you can choose to group the Column with the previous one at the same level of the Hierarchy; see Grouping Columns.

  14. When you have added all the rows you want in the Hierarchy, click Apply. the system saves your changes.

    Click Return to go back to the Business Area Properties screen.

Example 10-1 Business Area Hierarchy Column Grouping

Order number Column Group With Previous?


Investigator ID


Investigator Name




