Defining Table Descriptors

For all Data Mart types, you specify the data to include in the output file by adding one or more source Table Descriptors to the Data Mart and mapping each one to a Table instance whose data you want to export to the file. Depending on the type of Data Mart, the system may create one file per Table Descriptor or one file for the Data Mart as a whole; see Defining Different Types of Data Marts.

Data Marts can have only source Table Descriptors. They write to files, not tables.

Oracle LSH automatically creates the Planned Outputs for a Data Mart based on the Data Mart type and on the source Table Descriptors you specify. If you do not want to include all the Columns in a source Table instance in the Data Mart output, delete the unnecessary Columns from the Table Descriptor mapped to that Table instance.

For instructions, see About Table Descriptors and Mapping Table Descriptors to Table Instances.