Definition Properties

You can click Update to modify any of these properties.

  • Name: See Naming Objects.

  • Description: See Creating and Using Object Descriptions for further information.

  • Data Type: Variables can have a data type of VARCHAR2, NUMBER, or DATE. See Creating Variables Manually for more information.

  • Length: You can change the length of a VARCHAR2 or NUMBER Variable. See Creating Variables Manually for more information.

  • Precision: See Creating Variables Manually for more information.

  • Oracle Name: See Creating Variables Manually for more information.

  • SAS Name: See Creating Variables Manually for more information.

  • SAS Label: See Creating Variables Manually for more information.

  • SAS Format: This is the SAS representation of the data type for this Variable. See Creating Variables Manually for more information.

  • Default Value: This field shows the default value, if any, for the Parameter definition that refers to this Variable.

  • Nullable: This field shows whether the Parameters of this Variable can contain null values or not. See Creating Variables Manually for more information.

  • Validation Status: This field displays the current validation status of the Variable. If you have the necessary privileges, you can change the validation status by selecting Validation Supporting Information from the Actions drop-down list. See Validating Objects and Outputs for further information.

  • Status: This field displays the installable status of the Variable. A Variable is always Installable. See Installation Requirements for Each Object Type.

  • Checked Out Status: This field displays the status of the Variable: either Checked Out or Checked In. See Understanding Object Versions and Checkin/Checkout for further information.

  • Checked Out By: This field displays the username of the person who has the Variable checked out.

  • Latest Version: If set to Yes, this is the latest version of the Variable definition.

  • Version: This field displays the current version number of the Variable.

  • Version Label: This field displays the version label, if any, for the Variable version.