Duplicating or Copying a Domain

To save time, you may want to set up one or more standard Domains with Application Areas, Work Areas, even object definitions and instances, and duplicate them.

You can then modify the duplicate Domain; see Modifying Domains, Application Areas, and Work Areas.

The procedure is slightly different depending on where the Domain is. Top-level Domains are duplicated, and child Domains are copied. When you duplicate a top-level Domain, the system automatically creates the duplicate at the top level also.

When you copy a child Domain (or any other object) you can choose the target location for the copy. See Copying Objects for instructions.

To duplicate a top-level Domain, do the following:

  • n the Applications Development screen, click Maintain Domains. The Maintain Domains screen opens, displaying all the Domains to which you have access.
  • Select the Domain you want to duplicate by clicking the radio button next to it in the Select column.

    If you have access to many Domains you may need to click Next 10 one or more times to find the Domain you want.

  • Click Duplicate. The system creates a new Domain at the top level with the name Copy of Original Domain Name. You can find the new Domain listed alphabetically under C for Copy.