About Execution Setups and Templates

In order to run an Oracle LSH executable object—Program, Load Set, Report Set, Workflow, or Data Mart—you must create at least one Execution Setup for it.

Execution Setups become the submission form for the executable object. They can be displayed in the Reports tab so that users with the appropriate privileges can submit the associated Program, Load Set, Report Set, Workflow, or Data Mart for execution.

You can also create Execution Setups to submit a job at a single future point in time, on a regularly scheduled basis, or when triggered by the receipt of an XML message from an external system. These Execution Setups are not displayed in the Reports page, but run automatically.

Execution Setups include a predefined set of system Parameters; see System Parameters. They also include all the user-defined input and input/output Parameters defined as visible in the executable object. These Parameters are copies of the Parameters in the object and belong only to the Execution Setup. You can modify them without affecting the executable object itself. You determine whether these Parameters are visible to and settable by the person submitting the job.

More than one person can work on an Execution Setup at the same time, if they work on different Parameter Sets. For example, one person can work on a Program's Parameter settings and another person can work on system Parameters in the same Execution Setup at the same time.

You can define multiple Execution Setups for the same executable object instance. For example, you could define one Execution Setup for immediate execution, to be used to test the Program, and another Execution Setup to run at regular intervals, for use on production data. You could also define multiple Execution Setups with their Parameters bound to different values.

Copying Execution Setups: You can create a copy of one or more Execution Setups for use with the same instance and then modify them as necessary.

Execution Templates: If you create an Execution Setup that you think would be useful to other instances of the same executable definition, you can make it available for use as an Execution Template.

When you create an Execution Setup, you have the option of creating it from an Execution Template. If you choose this option, the system displays a list of all the Execution Setups that have been designated as Execution Templates in all instances of the same object definition version, if any. You can select one and modify it as necessary.

Forward Chaining: Forward chaining is a special type of processing that executes the programs automatically that directly or indirectly uses the data in a table, whenever that table is updated. A single job—for example, the execution of a Load Set to load data into Oracle LSH—triggers jobs that read from the tables the original job writes to, and then triggers the jobs that read from tables the second set of programs writes to, and so on. To be included in a forward chain, one Execution Setup for the executable must be marked as Forward Chain Enabled and, if it should trigger additional downstream forward chaining, as Cascade Enabled. In addition, the executable's Work Area, Application Area, and Domain(s) must have forward chaining enabled.

Backchaining: Backchaining is a special type of processing in Oracle LSH where the system checks the data sources of a given executable to see if more current data exists in Oracle LSH or even in a source data system, and if so, executes all the Load Sets and Programs necessary to bring the most current data to the executable being submitted. You can define a Submission Type of Backchain for an Execution Setup so that a Program that operates on data generated by the current Program (for which you are defining the Execution Setup) can trigger the execution of the current Program as part of a backchain process.

Execution Setup Classifications: An Execution Setup has its own classifications. Its classifications determine where Oracle LSH displays the submission form in the Reports tab.

In addition, if a classification level value of any of the executable's Planned Outputs is set to Inherited, the system classifies the corresponding actual output using the classification value(s) of the Execution Setup for that level. The submission form and the actual output are then located in the same folder on the Reports tab.

An Execution Setup's classification values, if inherited, are inherited from its object (Program, Load Set, Data Mart, Report Set, or Workflow) instance. The object instance's inherited classification values are inherited from the Work Area.

See Classifying Objects and Outputs for instructions on classifying defined objects, including Execution Setups.

Execution Setup and Output Security: Execution Setups have their own user group assignments, inherited from their executable instance, which inherits its assignments from the Work Area. You can change the user group assignments if necessary; see Applying Security to Objects and Outputs.

Execution Setup user group assignments determine two things:

  • The user groups' members can submit the Execution Setup to run the Program or other executable, if they have the necessary privileges within the user group.

  • The user groups' members can view the output of the Program or other executable, if they have the necessary privileges within the user group.

    You can change an output's user group assignments after the output is generated. To do so, navigate to the output in the Reports tab or from the job ID on your Home Page and select Apply Security from the Actions drop-down.

If an output contains blinded or unblinded data, users needs special privileges to view it.

Execution Setup Versions: When you explicitly check out an Execution Setup, the system creates a new version of the Execution Setup. In addition, when you modify an Execution Setup, the system implicitly checks out the Execution Setup and gives it a new version number.

When an active Execution Setup is submitted, the system implicitly checks it in, if it is not already checked in; see Activating a Version of an Execution Setup.


Only the user who first created or modified the Execution Setup, and thereby checked it out, can undo the checkout. You can see that person's username in the Checked Out By field.

Execution Setup Upgrade: An Execution Setup must be synchronized with the definition of its executable object's Parameters. You can synchronize it at any time by selecting Upgrade Execution Setup from the Actions drop-down list in the Execution Setup screen. When you submit the Execution Setup and when you install its associated executable object, the system checks if an upgrade is required and performs it. If the Execution Setup is checked in, the system implicitly checks it out, upgrades it, and checks it in.


If the executable instance is modified to point to a different object definition, the system cannot automatically upgrade the Execution Setup. You must create a new Execution Setup.