Mapping Columns Manually

To map Table Descriptor Columns to Table instance Columns, do the following:

  1. In the Program instance's Properties screen, Table Descriptors subtab, click the icon in the Mapping column for the Table Descriptor whose Columns you want to map.

    The Mapping screen opens. It has a row for each Column divided into a set of columns labeled From and another set labeled To. The system populates the From and To sections as appropriate for the flow of data: if the Table Descriptor is a source Table Descriptor, it is displayed in the To section because data appears to flow from the Table instance to the Program through the Table Descriptor; if it is a target Table Descriptor, it is displayed in the From portion because data appears to flow through it to the target Table instance. (Table Descriptors never actually contain data.)

  2. Click Update. The system makes several fields enterable.
  3. Select a Table instance. If a Table instance is not already specified in the upper portion of the screen, or if you want to map the Table Descriptor to a different Table instance, click the Search icon by the Map to Table Instance field.

    The Search and Select screen opens with the current Work Area's Table instances displayed by default.

    If the Table Descriptor is a target Table Descriptor, you cannot select a different Work Area. If the Table Descriptor is a source Table Descriptor, you can select a Table instance in any Work Area:

    • Select the Table instance's Domain from the Domain drop-down list.

    • Select the Table instance's Application Area from the Application Area drop-down list. The choices are limited to Application Areas contained in the Domain you selected.

    • If you know the exact name or version label of the Table instance you want, select either Name or Version Label from the Search By drop-down list and enter the name or version label in the blank field.

    Click the Quick Select icon for the Table instance you want to map to. the system returns you to the Mapping screen with the Table instance information displayed.

  4. Map Columns. Map each Table Descriptor Column to a Table instance Column or a default value. You can also enter a conversion string if either the Table instance Column or the constant is in a different format from the Table Descriptor Column:
    • Select a Table instance Column from the drop-down list to which to map the Table Descriptor Column.

    • Enter a value in the Default Value field to populate the Column to a constant; see Mapping Columns to Constants.

    • If you are mapping Columns of different data types, enter a format string for the system to use in the conversion, if necessary. See Using Format Conversions.

  5. Click Apply. The system validates the mappings you specified and returns you to the Program instance's Properties screen.

    If you specified an invalid mapping, the system displays an error message.