Moving a Domain

If a Domain is nested in another Domain, you can move it to a different position in the same nest or to a different nest. The system checks that the Maximum Domain Nest Value will not be exceeded before performing the move operation. If the maximum value would be exceeded by the move, the system does not perform the move.

To move a Domain, do the following:

  1. Go to the parent Domain of the Domain you want to move.

  2. Select the Domain you want to move by clicking the Select check box.

  3. Click the Move button. The Move Objects screen opens.

  4. Navigate to the Domain into which you want to move the selected Domain. By default, the system displays the current Domain and all its children. You can select a different Domain using the Search field.

  5. Click the Select radio button next to the Domain into which you want to paste the previously selected Domain.

  6. Click Apply. The system removes the Domain from its previous location and puts it into the location you specified.