Promoting a Domain

If you have the necessary privileges you can promote a Domain; that is, move a Domain currently nested in another domain to the top level of the Applications hierarchy.


If the Domain currently inherits all its user group assignments from its parent Domain, you must make the following preparation before promoting it—explicitly assign those user groups to the domain that should have access to it in its new position at the top of the hierarchy. If you do not explicitly assign user groups before promoting it, only a user with the Bootstrap security administrator role will be able to see or work in the Domain after it is promoted.

To promote a Domain, do the following:

  1. Go to the Properties screen of the Domain you want to promote.

  2. From the Actions drop-down list, select Promote Domain and click Go.

  3. The system promotes the Domain to the top level. You can no longer see it in the Applications Properties screen. Use the Search field to go to the Domain in its new location.