About Object Versions

Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub keeps all object definitions and instances under version control, maintaining a record of the user who created each new version, the date and time the version was created, and, for definitions explicitly checked out, an optional comment entered by the person who checked it out.

The system creates a new version of an object when it is checked out, either explicitly or implicitly, and applies all changes to the new version until it is checked in. To make further changes you must check it out and modify the new version.

The system creates new object versions with the same user group assignments (security) and classifications as the previous version, but always gives new object versions a validation status of Development, no matter what validation status the previous version had.

When you create a new version of an object definition, instances of the previous version continue to point to the previous version. You can upgrade one or more instances to the new definition if you want to; see Upgrading One or More Instances from the Definition.

Report Sets' versioning is different from other objects'. Domains and Application Areas are not versioned; their version number is always 1.

Using Old Object Definition Versions: You can use old versions of object definitions as follows:

  • Do not upgrade instances. Instances continue to point to the definition version selected when they were created until they are explicitly upgraded.
  • When you create a new instance of an existing object definition, you can select any version of the definition after selecting "Display all Versions;" see Creating an Instance of an Existing Definition.
  • You can copy an old version of an object definition at any time from its Version History screen; see Copying an Old Version of an Object Definition.
  • If an object definition is not already checked out, you can check out an old version of it either from its Version History screen or through an instance that points to the old version.


    If the definition is already checked out, you have the option to copy the version to the current Application Area.


    When you check out an old version of an object, the system behaves the same way as when you check out the latest version. It creates a new version with the characteristics of the one you checked out and gives it a version number equal to the latest version number plus one.

    The system does not display the fact that the new version is based on an older version. If you want to make that clear, enter a checkout comment or create a version label with the information.