OC Study Data Load Set Table Descriptors

LSH automatically creates Table Descriptors and their underlying Table definitions from the Oracle Clinical tables you specify. LSH stores the Table definitions in the current Application Area.

To specify the Oracle Clinical tables to load, do the following:

  1. Click Upload Table Descriptors to specify the Oracle Clinical tables you want to load. The system generates a list of tables in the study in the location that you specified in the Attributes section.
  2. Select one or more Oracle Clinical tables to load. The choices are:
    • Data Clarification Forms
    • DCF Discrepancies
    • DCF Discrepancies Hist
    • DCF Pages
    • DCF Page Entries
    • DCF Print Status
    • DCF Status Tracking
    • Discrepancy Entries
    • Discrepancy Entries T
    • Discrepancy Entry Review Hist
    • Discrepancy Entry Review Hist T
    • Patient Positions
    • Patient Positions T
    • Patient Positions History
    • Patient Statuses
    • Received Pages
    • Received Pages T
    • Received Page History
    • Received Page History T
    • Validation Reported Values
    • Validation Reported Values T

    Refer to the Oracle Clinical documentation for information on these tables. Functional information about Data Clarification Forms (DCFs), discrepancies, page tracking, and validated reported values is in Conducting a Study. Functional information on patient positions and statuses is in Creating a Study. Table structure information on all tables is in the Oracle Clinical Stable Interface Guide.

  3. Click Apply. The system returns you to the Load Set screen and displays the Table Descriptors in the Table Descriptors subtab.
  4. Map the Table Descriptors to Table instances.