Oracle Load Set Parameters

The following are Oracle Load Set runtime Parameters:

  • Remote Location. The user submitting the Load Set for execution must select his or her own remote location/connection combination (or a remote location with a shared connection) at runtime to ensure the proper security for the external database. Do not enter a default value or change any of the other Parameter settings.

  • Direct. If you set Direct to Yes (default is No), the system uses the direct path INSERT to load data into the target Table instance(s).


    When writing to multiple Table instances, if all the Table instances are not of the Transactional High Throughput processing type, the system first inserts data into the Transactional High Throughput processing type Tables using the direct INSERT and subsequently inserts data using the conventional INSERT into Tables of other data processing types. The Load Set job completes with warnings and writes warning messages to the job log.

  • Drop and Recreate Indexes. This parameter applies only if you set Direct to Yes.

    If set to Yes (default), the system drops all non-unique indexes before running a data-loading job and recreates the non-unique indexes after loading data into the target Table instances. The system does not drop indexes if Direct is set to No.

  • Logging. This parameter applies only if you set Direct to Yes.

    If set to Yes (default), in the event of a failure the system can recover data committed to the database. If set to No, the system does not maintain a redo log file and cannot recover any data when a database failure occurs.