Pasting Objects

Pasting is the second part of a copy, move, or clone operation.

The objects you have selected appear in the upper portion of the screen.

  1. In the section labeled Destination—Target for objects when paste applied, select the Domain into which you want to paste the object(s).
    The current Domain is displayed by default. You can enter the name of another Domain or click the Search icon and select another Domain; see Using the Search and Select Window.

    The system displays the Domain you selected and any child Domains and Application Areas it contains. You can click the + nodes to see Work Areas and objects within the Work Areas.

  2. Click the Select radio button for the Domain, Application Area, Work Area, Report Set or Workflow into which you want to paste the object or objects.
    The system activates the radio button only for valid locations for the object type(s) you have selected.
  3. Click Apply. The system creates version one (1) of each object in the new location.


    If the target location already contains an object of the same type and with the same name, the system appends _1 to the name of the object you copy into the target location. If the object with the same name already ends in a number, the system renames the copied object with the number incremented by one (1).