Using the Search and Select Window

The Search and Select window is called from many screens in Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub. It receives its context from the calling screen. For example, if you click the Search icon in the Create Program screen, the Search and Select function finds only Program definitions.

Enter values in the following fields:

  1. Domain. From the drop-down list, select the name of the Domain that contains the definition you need.

    If the Domain you specified contains one or more child Domains, you can see the child domain in the Domain drop-down list with the name of all parent domains preceding it and separated by a right angle bracket (>). For example:

    Domain 1 > Child Domain 1 > Child Domain 2 > Child Domain 3

    The system populates the Application Area drop-down list with the names of Application Areas contained in that Domain.

  2. Application Area. If the definition is contained directly in a Domain library, do not select an Application Area.

    If the definition is contained in an Application Area, select the Application Area from the drop-down list.

  3. Search By. If you know the name or version label of the object, select either Name or Version Label from the Search By drop-down list and enter either the name or version label in the field to the right. You can use special characters such as the % wildcard. For example, if you enter Study_12345% as a name, the system retrieves all objects whose name begins with Study_12345.


    For some object types this field is case-sensitive. If an object's name begins with STUDY_12345 and you enter Study_12345% the system does not retrieve the object because its name is not in uppercase.
  4. Display All Versions If checked, the system returns all versions of the object with the name you specified in the Search By field. If unchecked, the system returns only the latest version. (If you specified Version Label in the Search By field, the system returns only the version with that label.)
  5. Display Not Null Version Labels If checked, the system returns only object versions with a version label. This checkbox is relevant only if Name is selected in the Search By field above.
  6. Click Go. The system displays the results of the search, including, for each definition retrieved, its name, version number, version label (if any), validation status, the username of the person who created the definition, and the date on which it was created. The system retrieves object definitions only if they are currently checked in.


    You can set your Preferences to make the system return only definitions with a validation status of Production.

    You cannot create a new object instance based on a definition whose validation status is set to Retired.

  7. Select the definition you want by clicking the icon in the Quick Select column, or by clicking its radio button and then clicking the Select button. The system returns you to the screen you came from, displaying the name of the object you selected.