Creating a New Definition and Instance

If no object definition exists that suits your needs, or that you can modify to suit your needs, you must create a new one.

When you create a new definition and instance at the same time, the system simultaneously creates the definition in the current Application Area and an instance of it in the current Work Area. As you save your work, the system applies your changes to the appropriate object—definition or instance. The system applies the name and description you enter to both the definition and instance unless there is a conflict with either one; see Naming Objects.

Figure 3-2 shows the process of creating a new Program definition and instance. The process is similar for all object types. You first create the object as a whole, classify both the definition and the instance, then define component objects: in the case of Programs these include Table Descriptors, Source Code, Parameters, and Planned Outputs. All executable instances require mapping Table Descriptors to Table instances and defining at least one Execution Setup. You must install all object instances in their Work Area, assign user groups for object security and validate the definition and the instance according to your company's policies.

Figure 3-2 Creating a New Program Definition and Instance

Description of Figure 3-2 follows
Description of "Figure 3-2 Creating a New Program Definition and Instance"

Specific instructions for each object type are included in the section on each type:

There are also instructions for creating the following component objects: