Processing Types Summary

Each processing type is described in the following sections. The following table summarizes the differences among Oracle LSH data processing types in terms of whether they require Unique or Primary Keys, are audited, and the kind of data deletion that they effect:

Table 12-1 Summary of Oracle LSH Data Processing Types

Processing Type UK/PK Required? Audited? Data Deletion

Transactional with Audit



Soft-deletes data specified by the Program with explicit DML Delete statements.

Transactional without Audit



Hard-deletes data specified by the Program with explicit DML Delete statements.




In Full mode, soft-deletes all data not reinserted. In Incremental mode, does not delete data.

Staging with Audit



Deletes all data immediately before the next Program execution; saves a copy of the data.

Staging without Audit



Hard-deletes all data immediately before the next Program execution.

Transactional High Throughput



Truncates the Table in Full mode. Hard-deletes data with explicit DML Delete statements in the Incremental mode.

  • Reload and Transactional with Audit types require either a Primary Key or a Unique Key to be defined for the Table instance. Staging and Transactional without Audit types do not require a Primary or Unique Key.

  • Transactional, Reload, and Transactional High Throughput Table instances must be mapped to target Table Descriptors of the same type. Staging Table instances can be mapped to target Table Descriptors of any processing type.

    From the point of view of the Program writing to the Table instance, a Transactional target Table Descriptor can be mapped to either a Transactional or Staging Table instance and a Reload target Table Descriptor can be mapped to either a Reload or Staging Table instance. Staging Table Descriptors must be mapped to Staging Table instances.

  • All types except Staging are serialized, so that only one job can write to the Table instance at a time. For staging Table instances, if more than one job writes to the Table instance at a time, the system ensures that there is at least one second's difference in the refresh timestamp.

Different processing types handle data deletion differently:

  • Transactional processing deletes only those records specified in Delete statements in the Program source code. If the Table instance is audited, the system only soft-deletes the data.

  • Incremental Reload processing never deletes data. Full Reload processing soft-deletes all records not explicitly reloaded.

  • Staging Without Audit processing deletes all the data written by the previous job at the beginning of the next job. Staging With Audit does not delete data.

  • Transactional High Throughput processing truncates the Table in the Full mode. In the Incremental mode, hard-deletes data if the Program source code specifically issues a Delete statement.