Transactional Processing

In transactional processing, the Program writing to the Table instance does the work of determining which records are inserted, updated, and deleted. The system populates the target database table using explicit DML statements (Insert, Update, or Delete) in the Program's source code. The system processes only those records that the Program specifies; records not explicitly inserted, updated, or deleted are not processed. If a record is explicitly updated but if the data remains the same, the system updates its refresh timestamp.

The Program writing to the table can "see" all current data, including changes it has made and records from previous jobs that are still current. Only one job can write to a Transactional table at a time. The system serializes them.

There are several data processing types that use transactional processing:

  • Transactional with Audit. The system maintains a record of all changes to all records, including deleted records, over time. Only one Program instance at a time can write to a Table instance of this type.

  • Transactional without Audit. The system maintains only the current set of records. Only one Program execution at a time can write to a Table instance of this type.