From the Program Definition screen

To upgrade multiple Source Code instances that refer to a Program definition, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the Program definition in the Applications tab.
  2. Check in the definition if it is not already checked in.
  3. From the Actions drop-down list, select Upgrade All Instances and click Go. The system opens the Upgrade Instances screen displaying all Program instances and Source Code instances that point to the Program definition.
  4. From the View drop-down list, select Program Definition (Source Code Instances). The system refreshes the screen and lists only the Source Code instances that point to this Program definition.
  5. For each instance, the system displays the following information:


    In the following, Object refers to the Program definition that owns the Source Code instance. If you are viewing this information with the selection Program Instance or Both in the View drop-down list (see point 4 above), then Object refers to a Program instance, where it is a Program instance that is referring to this Program definition.
    • Object Name. The name of the Program definition that contains the Source Code instance.
    • Object Type. The type of the object. See Note above.
    • Object Version. The version number of the Program definition that contains the Source Code instance.
    • Version Label. The version label of the Program definition that contains the Source Code instance.
    • Installed Version. This field is not applicable for Source Code instance upgrades because a Source Code instance is referred to by its owning Program definition and Oracle LSH object definitions cannot be installed. This field refers to the most recent version of the Program instance that was successfully installed. It is relevant only for Program instances pointing to this Program definition.
    • Validation Status. The Program definition's validation status.
    • Checked Out By. The name of the person who has checked out the Program definition, parent to the Source Code instance. If a person other than you has the Program checked out, then you cannot upgrade the Source Code instance that points to it: the check box next to it is grayed out.
    • Definition Version. The version number of the definition to which the instance currently points.


      In the following, Parent refers to the Object's parent. So for Source Code instances, it is the parent of the Program definition that owns the Source Code. That is, parent of a Program definition - such as an Application Area.
    • Definition Validation Status. This field does not apply to Source Code instances. It is the validation status of the Program instance that points to a version of the current Program definition.
    • Parent Name. The name of the Parent object.
    • Parent Object Type. The type of object that contains the Program definition that owns the Source Code instance.
    • Parent Status. The parent's installation status.
    • Parent Validation Status. The parent's validation status.
    • Source Code Name. The name of the Source Code instance.
    • SAS File Reference Name. The SAS file reference name, if any.
    • Container. The Domain > Application Area hierarchy for the Program definition that owns the Source Code instance.
  6. Select one or more instances you want to upgrade. You can use the Select All and Select None functions and/or select or deselect instances individually by checking or unchecking their Select checkbox. Instances that already point to the current version of the definition cannot be selected.
  7. Click Upgrade. The system changes the source definition of the selected instances to the new version of the definition.


When upgrading a Source Code instance, you are actually upgrading the Program definition that owns the Source Code instance. However, for the sake of readability, the document describes operations on the Source Code instance. Please remember that you cannot check in or check out a Source Code instance, you can perform these operations on only the Program definition that owns it.

Note the following:

  • The Upgrade button is grayed out if the Program definition you want to upgrade to, is not checked in. Click Return to go back to the previous screen and check in the definition first.

  • If a version of the Source Code Instance already points to the Program definition you want to upgrade it to, then its row is grayed out.

  • If the latest version of the Source Code instance is checked out, then all older versions are grayed out.

    If you want to upgrade an older version of the Source Code instance, then you should check in the latest Program definition that owns the Source Code instance and return to this screen. Older version are now available for upgrading. When you select an older version and click Upgrade, the system checks out the Source Code instance, creates a new version and then upgrades it. The system refreshes the screen with this information.