Upgrading Source Code And Undoing Source Code Upgrades

This section contains the following topics:

If the Source Code definition your Source Code instance is pointing to is not the most current version, Oracle LSH sets the Latest Version field to No and allows you to view the latest version and upgrade to it if you want to; see Upgrading a Single Source Code Instance.


You cannot upgrade a Source Code instance whose definition is statically referenced. See Creating and Using Static Reference Source Code.

You can also undo an upgrade or choose a noncurrent version of a Source Code definition at any time; see Undoing Source Code Instance Upgrades.

Working in the Source Code definition, you can upgrade all instances to the latest version, using the Upgrade All Instances button or the Actions drop-down list.

If you created a Source Code instance along with a definition, then your Source Code definition and instance are synchronized unless at some point you or someone else manually pointed the Source Code instance to another version of the definition; see Undoing Source Code Instance Upgrades.

If you created a Source Code instance that points to an existing Source Code definition, any changes that have been made to the Source Code definition after you created the Source Code instance are not reflected in the instance and Latest Version is set to No.

For Source Code instances that point to an existing Source Code definition, you can see a hyperlink to the Source Code definition that the Source Code instance points to, in the instance properties section of the Source Code screen.


A Source Code instance and the Source Code definition it points to, both always share the same screen. Therefore, in this section Source Code screen refers to the screen that shows Source Code instance properties in the upper portion and Source Code definition properties in the lower portion of the screen.