Set Up Database Connectivity

To access Oracle LSH data in the Administration Tool on your PC, you must set up connectivity between the Oracle LSH database and your PC. You can use a system ODBC DSN or the Oracle Call Interface:

  • Set Up Database Connectivity Using a System DSN

    1. Create a valid Oracle driver-based System Data Source Name (DSN) on your PC that points to the LSH database.

    2. Consult Microsoft Windows online help for instructions on creating the System DSN.

    3. Use the Test Connection button to test the connection.

  • Set Up Database Connectivity Using OCI

    1. Create an entry in your PC's tnsnames.ora file with the name and connection details for the LSH database server.

    2. Create an entry in your PC's tnsnames.ora file with the name and connection details for the LSH database server.

    3. Test the connection by trying to connect to the Oracle LSH database using sqlplus as apps. For example:

      sqlplus apps/apps_password@lsh_database_name