Setting Up Value Propagation Manually

To define value propagation from the source Parameter manually, do the following:

  1. On the Parameter instance's screen, click the Update button. The screen refreshes to make all fields editable.
  2. Scroll down to the Value Propagation section. Click Add Parameters.
  3. Choose from a list of Parameters. The system displays only Parameters that are either:
    • contained in the same Report Set or Workflow

    • (in a Report Set only) defined directly in a Report Set Entry or a Program in a Report Set Entry

    In a Report Set, it is possible to feed a value from an output Parameter of one Program to an input Parameter in a Program in the Report Set. The system executes the Program that produces the output Parameter before executing the Program that uses the value for an input Parameter. The system prevents a circular reference.


    It is possible to set a Parameter as a source for value propagation even if the target Parameter is not of the same data type or size or both. Such a mismatched value propagation causes the Workflow or Report Set to fail when executed. You must make sure you set up value propagation keeping in mind the data type and size of the source and target Parameters.