Setting Up Value Propagation from the Target Parameter

This option is available only for Parameters contained in a Program that is part of a Report Set or Workflow, and for Parameters defined directly in a Report Set Entry. The Parameter's value must be passed to it by one of the following:

  • an output Parameter of a different Program in the same Report Set or Workflow

  • a Parameter created for this purpose in the Report Set or Workflow

  • in the case of post-processing Parameters in Report Sets, by the same predefined post-processing Parameter at the top of the Report Set or Report Set Entry

Do the following to set value propagation from the target Parameter:

  1. On the Parameter's screen, click Update. The screen refreshes to make all fields editable.
  2. Under Method of Determining Value, select Get Value From Another Parameter.

    The system displays the Parameter field with a Search icon.

  3. Click the Search icon. The system opens a screen listing all the eligible source value Parameters contained in the Report Set or Workflow.
  4. Select a Parameter by clicking its radio button and clicking the Select button. The system enters the value source Parameter's name in the Parameter field and its type and location in the fields below. You can click on Parameter Details to see the whole definition of the value source Parameter.


The system uses the Parameter links you set up here to determine the execution order of Report Sets (which is not necessarily the same as the display order). The system prevents you from defining circular links.