Submitting a Job from the Applications Tab

While you are defining an executable object, it's easiest to submit it directly from the instance in its Work Area. You can also submit jobs from your My Home screen and from the Reports tab; see "Generating Reports and Running Other Jobs" in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub User's Guide.

To submit a job from the Applications tab, do the following:

  1. In the appropriate Work Area, navigate to the installed executable instance you want to submit.

  2. Click Run. The Submission screen opens.

    Alternatively, in the Actions drop-down list, click Execution Setups, then Click the Submit icon of the Execution Setup you want to use. The Submission screen opens.

  3. Set values for Submission Details, Submission Parameters, and Data Currency as necessary. For information on each of these, see Creating, Modifying, and Submitting Execution Setups.

  4. Click Submit. The system submits the job for execution and displays the job ID.