Table Report

A Table report contains information about the current status of a single Table definition. This is the same information that is available in the Table's Properties screen and its subtabs.

For information on Tables, see Defining Tables.

The Table report has the following three sections:

  • Header—See Header Information for Object Definitions for details on the Header section.

  • Attributes—The second section displays the values of the attributes Oracle Name, SAS Name, SAS Label, Process Type, Allow Snapshot?, Blinding Flag.

  • Child Objects—The third section displays tables with information about each of the following Table components:


    These tables display all possible information for each component. Some of the columns may not be applicable to a particular type of Table or to a particular component.

    • Columns. For each Column, the report displays the Name, Position, Oracle Name, SAS Name, SAS Label, Data Type, Length, Precision, SAS Format, Default Value, Mandatory?, and Variable Name.

    • Constraints. For each Constraint, the report displays the Name, Type, Column Name (s), Join Table, and Value(s) allowed.

To generate a Table report, navigate to the Properties screen of a Table. Select Definition Report from the list of reports available while following instructions in Running and Saving System Reports.