About Text Load Sets

A Text Load Set loads data in a text file in either fixed or delimited format into one or more Table instances in Oracle LSH.

During Text Load Set definition, you can upload a metadata file. The system reads the data structure from the file and creates a Table Descriptor with the same structure. You can load multiple metadata files zipped together and create multiple Table Descriptors at the same time.

During Text Load Set execution, you can include metadata files in a zipped file with data files. For each metadata file, the system creates a matching Table Descriptors if none exists or updates and synchronizes a Table Descriptor if it does exist, and loads data from the data file(s). The system identifies files with extension .mdd as a metadata definition file and treats other extensions as data files.

You can specify tolerance factors to determine whether or not to continue loading if errors occur. See Text Load Set Parameters.


All text files must use carriage returns between records so that each record appears on its own line.