Unblinded Outputs Report

The Unblinded Outputs report displays all jobs run on real, unblinded data in a particular Table instance.

The Unblinded Outputs report has the following sections:

  • Header Information—Details of Containership, Instances and Definitions. See Header Information for Object Instances for details on the header section.

  • Jobs and Output Details—The report displays the following details for each job: Job ID, Job Submission Timestamp, Job Submitted by, Output Name, Output Creation Timestamp, Owning Executable Instance, Executable Type, Executable Validation Status.

  • Table Instance Status—The report displays the following details for the source Table instance at the time of job submission: Job ID, Validation Status, Blinding Flag, Blinding Status.

To run an Unblinded Outputs report, navigate to the table instance's Properties screen and follow instructions in Running and Saving System Reports.