Viewing Object Definitions from Instances in a Work Area

When you look at an object instance in a Work Area, you see many details of its source definition as well.

The fields and settings in the lower portion of the screen (labeled "Definition Properties"), including the information under the subtabs in the middle of the screen, belong to the definition. The exception—for all objects that contain Table Descriptors—is Table Descriptor mappings, which belong to the instance but are displayed with the Table Descriptors, which belong to the definition.

In an object instance in a Work Area, you cannot see the source definition's classifications and user group assignments. To see these, you must go to the definition in its Domain or Application Area. You can do this directly from the Work Area as follows:

  1. Click the Definition link in the Instance Properties section of the screen. The system opens the Properties screen of the definition in its Domain or Application Area.
  2. Select the appropriate item—Apply Security or Assign Classification—from the Actions drop-down list and click Go. The system opens the appropriate screen.
  3. To return to the object instance you came from, click the second last link in the breadcrumb at the top of the screen (see Navigating Using Breadcrumbs) or click Return to go back to the Definition page and click the last breadcrumb link from there.