Work Area Installation Phases and Statuses

The Work Area installation process includes many phases. As the job progresses through these phases the system assigns it different installation statuses. The system displays the highest status reached during the process when the process is complete. You can also see the job's progress from phase to phase in the log file.

After completing each phase, the system checks the value of the Abort flag. If the installation is running in batch mode and the user has clicked the Abort button to stop the installation, the system stops the job. You cannot roll back any changes the job may have made up to that point.

Installation Specification

The system gathers the attribute settings for the installation: Batch Mode (Yes/No), Force Script Regeneration (Yes/No), Installation Mode (Full, Upgrade, Partial), Install Status of the previous installation, if any (statuses noted after each phase in this list), Installation Number (current installation number for this Work Area version plus one).

Related Installation Status: SPECIFIED (Specification phase complete)


The system performs all tasks required before the Generation Phase, including obtaining the necessary locks, identifying the objects to be installed and the actions to be taken on them, checking in objects, and ensuring that the installation is valid (see Installation Rules).

user will be able to request an Impact Report -- created during Prep

Related Installation Status: PREPARED (Preparation phase complete)


In a full or upgrade installation the system determines how many schemas are necessary to hold the installed objects and which objects to place in which schema. The system generates the DDL scripts that will be used to install, drop, drop and replace, or upgrade each object included in the installation and, in a full or upgrade installation, the schemas themselves.

Related Installation Statuses: GEN_ACTIVE (Generation phase in progress), GENERATED (Generation phase complete)


If the Work Area is currently being installed, the system prevents jobs from starting that are based on the submission of Oracle LSH Programs, Load Sets, Report Sets, Workflows, or Data Marts installed in the Work Area, and waits for any jobs currently running to complete. In a partial installation, the system prevents or waits for job executions only of the objects being installed; the execution of objects not included in the partial installation can proceed.

Related Installation Status: QUIESCING (quiescing runtime processing)

Unit Definition

Oracle LSH calls the Oracle Warehouse Builder (OWB) interface packages to create the deployment units that OWB will use to carry out the required actions on each object in the installation.

Related Installation Statuses: DEF_ACTIVE (Unit Definition phase in progress), DEFINED (Unit Definition phase complete)

Schema Activities

The system creates the Oracle schemas required by the installation if they do not yet exist. In a full installation the system drops existing schemas creates new schemas.

Related Installation Statuses: SCHEMA_ACTIVE (Schema Activities in progress), SCHEMA_COMPLETE (Schema Activities complete)

Upgrade Prepare

OWB compares the proposed table and table-related changes to the state of the objects in the database schema and prepares an upgrade plan script to implement the upgrade. This phase applies only to upgrade installations and partial installations where the action on an object is Upgrade.

Related Installation Statuses: UPGPREP_ACTIVE (Upgrade prepare in progress), UPGPREPARED (Upgrade prepare complete), UPGPREP_FAILED (Upgrade prepare failed)

Upgrade Deploy

OWB carries out the upgrade plan and stores the initial state of the tables and their data in backup tables. This phase applies only to upgrade installations and partial installations where the action on an object is Upgrade.

Related Installation Statuses: UPGDEPL_ACTIVE (Upgrade deployment in progress), UPGDEPLOYED (Upgrade deployment complete), UPGDEPL_FAILED (Upgrade deployment failed)

Upgrade Finalization

OWB discards the backup tables. The upgraded tables contain the data. This phase applies only to upgrade installations and partial installations where the action on an object is Upgrade.

Related Installation Statuses: UPGFIN_ACTIVE (Upgrade finalization in progress), UPGFINALIZED (Upgrade finalization complete)


OWB performs the deployment units for any dropped objects.

Related Installation Statuses: DROP_ACTIVE (Drop phase in progress), DROPPED (Drop phase complete)


OWB performs the deployment units for any objects being created.

Related Installation Statuses: CREATE_ACTIVE (Create phase in progress), CREATED (Create phase complete)


The system performs the following clean-up tasks:

  • For full and upgrade installations the Work Area Status is set to Installed. If there are any objects that are checked out in the Work Area (due to being omitted from the installation) the system then checks out the Work Area and changes its status to In Definition.

  • For partial installations, if the Work Area contains omitted objects whose current version has not been installed, the Work Area is checked in with a status of Partial Install and checked out again with a status of In Definition.

  • If the Parameters or Parameter settings for a newly installed program have changed, existing repeating, deferred, or backchain submissions are cancelled without notification.

  • The system releases the state of quiescence.

  • The system releases the installation lock.

Related Installation Status: INSTALLED (Installation completed successfully)