About Work Area Installation

To use a Table, Program, Load Set, Data Mart, Report Set, Workflow, or Business Area definition that you have created in Oracle LSH, you must create an instance of it in a Work Area and install the instance and the Work Area itself. The first time you install a particular Work Area, the system does the following:

  • Creates an Oracle LSH Schema—a set of database schemas; see Schemas

  • Instantiates Table instances as database tables

  • Instantiates Table Descriptors in executable objects and Business Areas as views onto the tables to which they are mapped

  • Compiles source code for PL/SQL -type Programs, including PL/SQL Programs contained in Report Sets and Workflows


    SAS and Oracle Reports Programs are compiled at runtime by SAS and Oracle Reports, respectively.

  • Associates an Oracle Warehouse Builder Task with every executable object, for use in executing the object

After you install a Work Area, the system keeps it under version control. As soon as you change anything in an installed Work Area—check out an object instance, add or delete an object instance, or even change the description—the system creates a new version of the Work Area that contains all the changes you make before re-installing the Work Area.


If you install a single executable object using the Install icon or drop-down item the system tries to map any unmapped Table Descriptors and may create target Table instances; see Installing Individual Objects. This functionality is not available when you install at the Work Area level.

Installation Modes

Oracle LSH supports three installation modes: Full, Upgrade, and Partial. See the section on the Omitted flag for further details on how each installation mode handles omitted objects.

  • Full installation drops and replaces the entire set of schemas. All objects—including tables, checked-out objects, and any objects whose Omitted flag is checked but have been previously installed—are dropped, replaced, and checked in. Full installation deletes all data. During a full installation the entire Work Area is locked and no one can modify any object in the Work Area, including objects whose Omitted flag is checked.

    Full installation may be useful during development and quality control testing when data may be corrupted and no audit trail is required. When you change an installed Table's blinding flag, you must do a Full Work Area installation to apply the new blinding status to the Table instance.

  • Upgrade installation compares the Work Area's installed objects to the current objects and adds new objects and replaces objects that have changed—except for Table instances, which are always upgraded rather than replaced so as to save all data.

    Upgrade installation never drops an object. If you check the Omitted flag for an object and run Upgrade installation, the object is not installed.

    During an upgrade installation the entire Work Area is locked and no one can modify any object in the Work Area, including objects that are omitted from the installation.

  • Partial installation allows you to specify the action you want the installation job to take on the objects you include in the installation, including explicitly dropping objects. For each table you can specify whether to replace or upgrade the table; if you choose to replace it, the system deletes its data; if you choose to upgrade it, the system upgrades the table to the new version without deleting its data.

    During a partial installation, you and other users can continue to work on the objects that are omitted from the installation.

    Partial installation is useful during development, when multiple developers are working in the same Work Area and need to install and test their objects at different times.


    To safeguard data, Oracle LSH allows only nondestructive installation modes in Work Areas with a Usage Intent of Production. You can use Upgrade mode or Partial mode, but in Partial mode Table instances must have Upgrade as their assigned action.

Installation Rules

The system cannot install a Work Area in the following circumstances:

  • The Work Area has a status of Retired.

  • The Work Area version is not the most current version.

  • The Work Area has a usage intent of Production and the installation mode is set to Full or to Partial with an action other than Upgrade for one or more Table instances.

  • The validation status of any object included in the installation is less than the usage intent of the Work Area.

  • No objects have changed in the Work Area since the last successful installation.

  • A previous attempt to install the same version of the Work Area was unsuccessful, and has not been cancelled by the user.

  • The source definition of one or more object instances included in the installation have been explicitly checked out by a user other than the person initiating the installation.


    People with Checkin Administrator privileges can install objects checked out by other people.

  • The system cannot install a Program instance or other executable if the Table instances to which it is mapped are not either already installed or included in the same installation.

  • If the source code of a PL/SQL Program included in the installation does not compile, the installation fails.