Workflow Report

The Workflow report contains information about the current status of a single Workflow. This is the same information that is available in the Workflow's Properties screen and its subtabs. For information on a Workflow's version history, see Object Version History Report.

For more information on Workflows, see Defining Workflows.

The Workflow report has the following two sections:

  • Header—See Header Information for Object Definitions for details on the Header section.

  • Child Objects—The third section displays tables with information about each of the following Workflow components:


    These tables display all possible information for each component. Some of the table columns may not be applicable to a particular type of Workflow or to a particular component.

    • Executable Instances and Workflow Structures. For each Executable Instance and Workflow Structure, the report displays the Name, Type, Description, Checked out by, and Status.

    • Parameters. For each Parameter, the report displays the Prompt, Default Value, Yes or No settings for Visible?, and Yes or No settings for Required?.

    • Transitions. For each Transition, the report displays From Object Name, From Object Type, Condition, To Object, and To Object Type.

    • Mapping Details. The report displays information about the mapping between executable instances contained in the Workflow and Table instances.

The Workflow report includes information on each executable object instance included in the Workflow. These may include Data Marts, Programs, and Load Sets. The information displayed is the same as in the report for each object type. See Data Mart Report, Program Report, and Load Set Report.

To generate a Workflow report, navigate to the Properties screen of a Workflow. Select Definition Report from the list of reports available while following instructions in Running and Saving System Reports.