Classification Setup

To implement Oracle LSH classification, you must do the following:

  • Define at least one classification hierarchy that contains information relevant to your business or clinical organization—any information that characterizes Oracle LSH objects in a way that might help a user find an object in Oracle LSH (see Defining Classification Hierarchies).
  • Define classification values at each level of each hierarchy, with relations between values; for example, in the Project > Study > Site hierarchy, put all project names in the Project level, all study names in the Study level, each with a relation to its project, and all site names on the Site level, each with a relation to its study or studies (see Defining Classification Values).
  • Assign classification hierarchy levels to object subtypes, specifying whether the classification to each level is mandatory for objects of that subtype and whether classification by inheritance from the owning object is allowed (see Assigning Classification Levels to Object Subtypes).
  • Assign classification values to objects, starting with Domains, Application Areas and Work Areas. These classifications can be automatically inherited by objects within these containers if you allow classification by inheritance for their object subtypes. Definers can change inherited classifications for individual objects as necessary. The new classification applies to all versions of the object and carries forward to new versions unless a new version is explicitly reclassified.

Instructions are included in "Setting Up the Classification System" in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub System Administrator's Guide.