Designing a Classification System

You should design your classification system in conjunction with designing your organizational structure and security system:

  • Organizational Structure. When you choose to use classification by inheritance, objects automatically receive classification value(s) for a particular hierarchy level from their container. Take advantage of this functionality by designing an organizational structure that reflects the way you want outputs to be displayed on screen.

    You may want to make classifications inherited for all object types except the organizational objects (Domains, Application Areas, and Work Areas.)

    Outputs can inherit classifications from the executable object instance that generates them, which in turn can inherit classifications from the Work Area, which in turn can inherit classifications from the Application Area (see Object Ownership). Therefore, if you use the Project > Study > Site hierarchy, classify an Application Area to Study ABC123, and allow inheritance for the Study level for all object subtypes, all reports generated within the Application Area will be classified to Study ABC123 and displayed in the Study ABC123 folder on the Reports screen.

  • Subtypes and the Security System. Each object type has one predefined subtype called Default. You can create additional subtypes if you choose to, but this is optional. For example, if you plan to store and analyze financial information in Oracle LSH, you could create a subtype called Financial. When you set up your classification system, you can allow or require that objects of a particular subtype have be classified at a particular hierarchy level. Financial object subtypes might be classified to the same or different hierarchy levels as Default or Clinical object subtypes; for example, you might have a financial hierarchy with levels called Fiscal Year > Quarter.

    When you set up your security system, you assign roles to operations on object subtypes. If you plan to store and report on financial information in Oracle LSH, you probably want different people to see financial reports and clinical reports. If you create a Financial subtype, you can assign different roles to the View operation on Financial outputs than to the View operation on Clinical outputs. Therefore, take both your classification and security systems into consideration when deciding whether to use subtypes; see Object Subtypes.

As you begin the design process, focus first on the hierarchies you will use to display outputs in the Reports window. These hierarchies are also available for use in searching. Next, if you wish, develop additional hierarchies for use in searching only (see Keyword Hierarchies).

See Classification Example and Classifying Outputs.