Keyword Hierarchies

You can designate a single-level hierarchy as a keyword hierarchy. Oracle LSH does not use keyword hierarchies to display outputs or submission forms for browsing, but does allow using them to search for outputs and defined objects. Using Advanced Search, users can search on more than one hierarchy value at a time. Use keyword hierarchies to help users add search criteria to narrow their search results and find the object definitions and outputs they need. You can create keyword hierarchies especially for a particular kind of object or output.

For example, create several keyword hierarchies to use for Program definitions, such as technology types (SAS, PL/SQL, and Oracle Reports), the basic function of the Program (transforming, reporting, or both), and the tables the Program reads from (Demography, Adverse Events, Concomitant Medications, and so on). When a Definer searches for a Program definition, he or she can use any number of these keywords as search criteria. See Classification Hierarchies for Use in Searching Only for more examples.