
You must make the following decisions about Domains:

  • Decide the number and purpose of each Domain.
  • Decide whether or not the Domain will contain a library of object definitions. If it will, decide the purpose of the library.
  • Decide whether or not the Domain will contain child Domains and if so, whether the child Domains will contain their own child Domains (and so on up to a total of 9 levels of Domain). If there will be child Domains, decide the purpose of each one.
  • Decide whether or not the Domain will contain Application Areas (see Application Areas).

    Even if the Domain's only purpose is to store library definitions, you may want to include an Application Area containing a Work Area in order to install and test the definitions within the Domain before promoting them to the Domain library.

If the Domain will include a library, you should also plan:

  • validation requirements for objects in the library, including a minimum validation status and what supporting information is required, if any (see Validating Objects and Outputs)
  • security requirements for objects in the library, including one or more roles with privileges allowing moving object definitions into the library and modifying them there (for an example, see Project 123 Domain User Group).