Interaction of Blinding Statuses and User Privileges on Executing Jobs and Viewing Data

The interaction of Table instance and output Blinding Statuses and blinding-related user privileges is summarized in Table 4-1 and described in detail below. The information in the column Data Available to User applies to users who are running jobs, using the Browse Data feature on a single Table instance, launching a visualization, or working on a Program in an IDE.

The information in the rightmost columns applies only to outputs generated by running jobs on the source Table instances (not to Browse Data, visualizations, or IDEs).

Table 4-1 Summary of the Interaction of Blinding Statuses and User Privileges on Viewing Data

Most Restrictive Blinding Status of Any Source Table Instance Most Powerful User Privilege on All Relevant Table Instances Data Available to User Resulting Output Blinding Status User Privilege Required on Output to View Output


Blind Break (and the LSH Data Blind Break User application role)

Dummy or Real

If real data processed: Blinded

If dummy data processed: Dummy

If real data processed: Blind Break (and the LSH Data Blind Break User application role)

If dummy data processed: View


Read Data or Read Unblind





Blind Break (and the LSH Data Blind Break User application role) or Read Unblind

Dummy or Real

If real data processed: Unblinded

If dummy data processed: Dummy

If real data processed: Read Unblind

If dummy data processed: View


Read Data




Not Applicable

Read Data, Blind Break, or Read Unblind

Not Applicable

Not Applicable


The following sections describe the information summarized in the above table.