Migrating Existing Programs, Data Sets, and Tables from Other Systems

In Oracle LSH you can continue to use programs, data sets, and tables you have developed for use in other systems. Although this feature may be particularly useful as you begin to use Oracle LSH, you can continue to upload external programs, data sets, and tables and convert them to Oracle LSH Programs and Tables at any time.

Load Sets can convert Oracle tables and views, or SAS data sets, to Oracle LSH Tables, as well as load the data they contain or point to into Oracle LSH. Load Sets also automatically convert your Oracle Clinical Global Library definitions to Oracle LSH definitional objects and load any Oracle Clinical stable interface tables and data you choose. For further information, see "DefiningLoad Sets" in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Application Developer's Guide.

You can upload SAS source code files, including macros and formats, into Oracle LSH Source Code definitions. For further information, "Defining Programs" in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Application Developer's Guide.