2 Designing and Using the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub

In the previous section you learned about some of the features and functions of the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub (Oracle LSH). This section introduces some of the implementation decisions required to configure Oracle LSH for the most effective use at your company.

Over time, your Oracle LSH installation will probably store huge volumes of data. It will also contain a large number of defined objects such as SAS programs, and many outputs such as tabulations, figures, and listings. You will need to allow some people security access to some objects, data, and outputs, and allow other people security access to other objects, data, and outputs.

Before you begin using Oracle LSH, you must decide how best to organize your objects, data, and outputs so that you can create a security system that fits your needs and easily find objects and outputs. Oracle LSH provides several overlapping tools for this purpose. Just as in a library books are physically stored in rooms and on shelves in a logical order, yet you can also search for them in the card catalogue or library software by title, author, subject, or keyword; Oracle LSH lets you organize objects, data, and outputs physically in one way and categorize and search for them in other ways as well.

You must design the following:

This section contains the following topics: