Designing Your Implementation of the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub

This book, the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Implementation Guide, is intended for the people who will design these systems. We recommend that you assemble a team of people to plan how your company will use Oracle LSH and to design your implementation of Oracle LSH accordingly. The team should include representatives of all groups whose data will be stored in Oracle LSH, all groups who will view data from Oracle LSH, and all groups who will either administer Oracle LSH or develop the programs that will manipulate Oracle LSH data.

If you will use Oracle LSH for clinical data you should include, for example, study designers, data managers, programmers, quality control managers, statisticians, and information technology engineers. If you will use Oracle LSH for administrative, financial, or other types of data, you will need representatives from additional groups.

This book includes a chapter on each of the systems you must design. Each chapter ends with a summary of the decisions you must make, the implications of each decision, and where to find documentation on each follow-up task. This chapter introduces each system and outlines how they fit together:

This chapter also describes the following:

  • Subtypes. Both the security system and the classification system make use of Subtypes, which are described.
  • Validation. Before you use Oracle LSH to store or process production clinical data, you must develop standards for validating the defined objects that comprise your applications (see Object Validation Standards).

Figure 2-1 shows a high-level workflow for building and using the Life Sciences Data Hub and where to find documentation for each phase.

This chapter contains the following topics: