Nested Domains

Whether or not you can define Domains within Domains, and if so, how many levels of Domains, depends on your setting for the Domain Nest Value profile; see "Setting Profile Values" in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub System Administrator's Guide for further information. The allowed values range from zero (no nested Domains; a single level of Domains that can contain Application Areas and object definitions only) and nine (9 levels of nested Domains). The default value is two (2).

The Domain Nest Value setting does not affect the number of Domains you can define at the same level within a parent Domain. You can define any number of sibling Domains at a given level.

In the Oracle LSH user interface, you can browse and search for objects in only one Domain at a time.


When you load Oracle Clinical Global library definitions into Oracle LSH, the system automatically creates a Domain in Oracle LSH for Oracle Clinical Global Library objects and an Application Area for each Oracle Clinical Global Library Domain loaded into Oracle LSH. Each Application Area has the same name as the Oracle Clinical Domain whose Global library it contains. The Oracle LSH Tables, Variables, and Parameters created from the Oracle Clinical Question Sets, Questions, and DVGs become the library of that Domain.