
A Domain is the top-level container in Oracle LSH. Domains have two purposes, and any one Domain can be used for one or both of these purposes:

  • Organizer. A Domain can contain child Domains and/or Application Areas. You can use a Domain to organize these other containers—child Domains and Application Areas—into logical groups. For example, you might create a Domain for a particular drug project and one Application Area within it for each clinical trial in the project. Alternatively you could create a Domain for a project, create a child Domain within the project Domain for each trial in the project, and create an Application Area for each report set. See Examples of Organization Design for other examples.
  • Library. A Domain can contain a library of object definitions. See Domain Libraries.

    Even if the Domain's only purpose is to store library definitions, you may want to include an Application Area containing a Work Area in order to install and test the definitions within the Domain before promoting them to the Domain library.

You can define any number of Domains and any number of Application Areas within a Domain.