Roles Based on Job Description

Most of the roles you define should correspond to a professional role such as Statistician or Data Manager, and allow the appropriate operations on appropriate objects for that job description. For example, the Statistician role might have View and Submit privileges on Clinical Report Sets only, while a Data Manager or Programmer might have full privileges on all types and subtypes of object definitions and instances.

Consumers need to be able to run and view reports. For this they need the Submit privilege on Execution Setups and the View operation on outputs.

Some Consumers may need to create data visualizations using Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition. These people need View privileges on Business Area instances and Read Data operations on Table instances to have access to Oracle LSH data.

Programmers (Oracle LSH Definers) need many privileges. They need to be able to run and view reports as Consumers do. In addition, they need at least View privileges on Domains and Application Areas in order to see Domains and Application Areas and browse for objects contained in them. Definers also need View privileges on an object subtype in order to copy a definition of that subtype, and Create privileges for each object subtype on an Application Area in order to create a definition of that subtype in an Application Area.