User Groups

A user group definition consists of a name, description and a list of roles available to assign to users within the group. A user group also includes at least one group administrator, who adds users to the group and assigns them to roles within the group. The group administrator can also remove users from the group and remove roles from users within the group.

The security administrator creates users and user groups and assigns users to be group administrators, but cannot add or remove users from groups or assign him or herself as a group administrator.

To make user group creation easier, the security administrator can copy one user group definition, which includes the roles assigned to the group, to create another user group. It is possible to copy the assigned users as well. The group administrator can then add and delete users and change users' role assignments.

User groups determine which users have access to which objects. (The operations they can perform on an object depend on the roles they have within the user group that allows them access to the object.) To have access of any kind to an object, a user must belong to a user group that is assigned to the object. User groups can be assigned to an object either directly or indirectly by inheritance.

User group object assignments are not object version-specific. As an object is upgraded to one new version after another, the same user groups have access to it unless you explicitly usassign them. If you usassign a user group, its users can no longer see any version of the object.

To explicitly assign or unassign a user group to an object, or to revoke an inherited user group assignment, a user must have a role that allows the Manage Security operation on the object.