Assign a Role

Assign administrator roles as follows:

  • LSH System Admin. You must assign the LSH System Admin role to at least one user.

  • LSH Setup Admin. You must assign the LSH Setup Admin responsibility to at least one user.

  • LSH Adapter Security Admin. You must assign the LSH Adapter Security Admin role to at least one user.

  • LSH Data Security Admin. This role allows a user to create all the objects required by the Oracle LSH object security system: object subtypes, object roles, and user groups.

  • LSH Function Security Admin. This role allows a user to create user accounts and assign functional roles to them. Functional roles control which parts of the Oracle LSH user interface a user can view or allow special privileges.

  • LSH Security Administrator. This role is a combination of the LSH Data Security and Functional Security Admin roles.


For further information on Oracle LSH security and security roles, see the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub System Administrator's Guide.

To assign a functional role to a user:

  1. Go to the User Maintenance screen.

    If you are already in the User Management tab, click the Users subtab.

    Or log in as sysadmin, click the User Management responsibility in the navigator, click Users, and click the Users subtab.

  2. Search for the user to whom you want to assign roles. The system displays the search results in the lower portion of the screen.
  3. Click the Update icon corresponding to the user. The Update User screen appears.
  4. Click Assign Roles. The Search and Select screen appears.
  5. Search for all Oracle LSH predefined roles by selecting Search By Roles and Responsibilities, entering LSH%, and clicking Go. The system displays all the predefined Oracle LSH functional roles in the lower part of the screen.
  6. Select each role you want to assign by checking its box. See Assign a Role for further information.
  7. Click Select. The system displays additional fields. Enter values as follows:
    • Justification. You must enter text in this field. Describe the reason this person needs this role.

    • Active From. The system automatically enters the current date. If you prefer to have the user's privileges begin at a later date, you can select the date you want by clicking the calendar icon.

    • Active To. Leave this field blank to avoid having the user's privileges automatically expire on the date you specify. When the user leaves the company or changes roles, you can enter an expiration date here. If you want to set an end date for the user's privileges associated with this role, use the calendar icon to specify the end date.

  8. Click Apply. The system assigns the role(s) you specified plus any necessary base roles to the user.