Increase Memory Available for MetaData Reports

To allow predefined Oracle LSH metadata reports to run, you must change the Options setting for each of the concurrent programs that runs a set of reports. In addition, you may want to change the Priorities setting to the highest possible setting for the quickest display of the reports. The short names of the concurrent programs, with the type of reports they run, are:

  • CDR_MDATA_DEFN_CP (Definitions reports)

  • CDR_MDATA_INST_CP (Instances reports)

  • CDR_MDATA_LIBR_CP (Library reports)

  • CDR_MDATA_SECU_CP (Security reports)

  • CDR_MDATA_WA_CP (Work Area reports)

See the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub System Administrator's Guide chapter on System Reports for information on the reports.

To change the setting, do the following for each set of reports:

  1. Log on as sysadmin; see Log on as sysadmin for details.
  2. Click the System Administrator responsibility link. A new column of links appears.
  3. In the new column of links, scroll down to Concurrent: Program. In this section, click Define.

    If you receive a pop-message asking if you want to install an applet, do so.

    The Concurrent Programs window appears.

  4. Press the F11 key to enter Query mode.
  5. In the Short Name field, enter the short name of one of the sets of metadata reports (see list above). For example, enter: CDR_MDATA_DEFN_CP
  6. Press Ctrl+F11 to enter the query. The system populates all the fields with the current information for that set of reports.
  7. In the Options field, enter: -Xmx512M
  8. (Optional) In the Priority field, enter: 1

    1 is the highest possible setting and 100 is the lowest possible setting.

  9. From the File menu, select Save.
  10. Repeat the procedure until you have changed the settings for all metadata report sets.