Install TMS Database Objects

This section describes how to add TMS database objects to each Oracle database that you will use for TMS.

For more information, see:

Unlock Accounts Before Installing the TMS Database

The Installer prompts you for passwords to several system accounts. In Oracle Database, some accounts are locked. Before you run the Installer, check these accounts. Unlock them if necessary. You will need to set their passwords when you run the Installer.

Make sure the following accounts are unlocked: SYSTEM, CTXSYS, and SYS.

When you have finished installing the database, relock any accounts that were locked except for SYSTEM and SYS, which should not be locked.

Gather Required Information for TMS Database Objects

Before you start the installer, be sure you have the following information:

  1. Home Details: The full path to the OPA_HOME or similar application home name on your application server; by default:



    • If TMS is integrated with Oracle Clinical 5.4.1 and Oracle Clinical has already been installed, OPA_HOME may already exist and set to something other than C:\opa_home. You must continue using the already created OPA_HOME with the value set by the previous installation.

    • Same OPA_HOME or similar application home name was already created when Oracle Thesaurus Management Database Server was installed. You must continue using the already created OPA_HOME with the value set by the previous installation.

  2. Oracle Database Client Home: Full path to ORACLE_HOME. For example, C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home.
  3. TMS Database Server Code Home Directory: The system detects the location and enters the value for you. By default, it is C:\opa_home\tms.
  4. Database Details: Enter the database server name, database port number, and database service name. It must be a valid TNS entry in your tnsnames.ora file.
  5. NLS Settings: Enter the NLS settings for the database; see Choose a Character Set. Oracle strongly recommends that you use UTF8. The default values are:
    • American_America.UTF8


  6. Directory for data tablespace data files: Enter the path to the directory on the database server where the data tablespace datafiles for the application should be created during the installation. The Installer does not validate the value and you must use the following syntax, including a trailing slash, depending on your operating system; for example:
    • UNIX: /u01/oradata/dbname/

    • Windows: drive:\oradata\dbname\

  7. Directory for index tablespace data files: Enter the path to the directory on the database server where the index tablespace datafiles for the application should be created during the installation. The Installer does not validate the value and you must use the following syntax, including a trailing slash, depending on your operating system; for example:
    • UNIX: /u01/oradata/dbname/

    • Windows: drive:\oradata\dbname\

  8. Enter and confirm passwords for the following accounts:
    • SYS
    • SYSTEM
    • CTXSYS
    • OPA
    • RXC
    • TMS
  9. Ignore tablespace creation errors:
    • Select Yes if the database already has the TMS tablespaces created.
    • Select No if the TMS tablespaces do not exist.
  10. The Installer gives you information that you should make a note of.

Stop the PSUB Process (If Integrated with Oracle Clinical)

If your TMS installation is integrated with Oracle Clinical, you must stop the PSUB process before upgrading the database. See the Oracle Clinical Administrator's Guide for instructions.

Start the Installer

To install a TMS database:

  1. Log in as a user with system administrator privileges in the application tier.
  2. In the staging area, locate the directory where you downloaded and extracted Oracle Thesaurus Management System (see Download the Software).
  3. Run the file as an administrator:


    The Installer opens to the Welcome screen.


    See Use the Silent Installer (Optional) for instructions for running the Installer as a file with pre-entered parameter values.


    Although there is a button for deinstalling products on the Welcome screen, Oracle does not support using the Installer to deinstall Oracle Thesaurus Management System.

  4. In the Select a Product to Install page, select TMS Database Install

Attend to the TMS Database Installer Screens

The Installer guides you through the installation and configuration of the TMS database.

Check the Database Log File

For each database installation you perform, the Installer creates the following log file in the INSTALL directory (<OPA_HOME>\tms\541\install):


Always check the log file for status, messages, or errors.