Checking Job Status

TMS provides information about the status of submitted batch jobs in two places: the main Submission window displays an icon that shows the status of the most recently submitted job, and the Job Status window provides more information about each batch job you have submitted from this TMS database.

For more information, see:

Checking the Status of the Last Job Submitted

TMS enables you to determine the status of the current job by examining the Gear icon, which appears in the lower right corner of the Job Submission window once you submit the job. This icon changes with a job's status according to the selections in the table below.

Job Running: Displayed while the most recently submitted job is still running.

Job Running icon

Job Successful: Displayed when the most recent job is completed successfully.

Job successful icon

Job Failed: Displayed when the most recent job fails. Check the error messages in the Job Status window to see why a job failed.

Job failed icon

Checking Job Status in the Job Status Window

The Job Status window displays more information about every batch job you have submitted using this data from this instance. The figure below shows a sample row from this window.

Figure 2-1 Figure 2-1 One Row in the Job Status Window

Image showing one row in the Job Status Window

Choose Job, then Status or click the Status button (see GUI Quick Reference) to open the Job Status window. The window displays the most recently submitted jobs first, but you can query by any of the fields that appear in the window:

  • Label – The name of the batch job as it appears in the TMS user interface. For example, Activate Preliminary Data.
  • Job Status – ENTERED (while the job is still running), SUCCESS, or FAILED.
  • Module – Module of the batch job.
  • Server Job ID – The Reports service you used to run the job.
  • Execution ID – The unique identifier for this job execution in this database.

You can stop a batch job in process (that is, one with Job Status ENTERED) by selecting its row and clicking Stop Job.