Using Parameter Sets to Populate Job Parameters

To save time and ensure consistency in the batch jobs you submit, you can save the parameters you enter for a particular batch job and use them again at any time. You can save a parameter set so that it is only available for your use, or make it available for all TMS users of this database.

You need to save and retrieve parameter sets from the same window, Save/Retrieve Parameter Sets. This section discusses each of these operations. You cannot delete parameter sets from TMS.

For more information, see:

Saving a Parameter Set

To save a parameter set for a batch job, start by selecting that batch job in the TMS navigator. Then follow the steps below:

  1. Choose Job, then select Save Parameter Set, or click the Save Parameter Set button (see GUI Quick Reference). The Save/Retrieve Parameter Sets window opens. If you entered any settings in the batch job fields, TMS copies these into the fields in the Save/Retrieve Parameter Sets window as well.
  2. Enter values for each field you want to include in this parameter set for this batch job.
  3. Enter a name and description for the parameter set.
  4. Select the box on the right if you want other TMS users to be able to use this parameter set. Clear the box to be the only person with access to this parameter set. Shared parameter sets are available to all users with access to this batch job at this TMS database instance.
  5. Save. TMS saves the parameter set for this batch job.

Retrieving a Parameter Set

Retrieving a parameter set populates the selected batch job with a list of settings for each field in the batch job. You can retrieve a parameter set for a particular batch job once you have selected that batch job in the main TMS window. To retrieve a saved parameter set:

  1. Choose Job, then select Retrieve Parameter Set, or click the Retrieve Parameter Set button (see GUI Quick Reference). The Save/Retrieve Parameter Sets window opens.
  2. Query for the parameter set you want. You can query for the name or description of the parameter set itself, or for one of the specific parameters in it.
  3. Click the Retrieve button. TMS populates the batch job window with the saved parameters. You can still change any of these parameters before executing the job.