Using TMS with Other Oracle Health Sciences Applications

TMS is designed for full integration with other Oracle Health Sciences applications including Oracle Clinical, Remote Data Capture (RDC) and the Adverse Event Reporting System (AERS).

This section includes:

Using TMS with Oracle Clinical

All the data structures and data exchange processes needed for full integration between TMS and Oracle Clinical are predefined. TMS stores contextual information about each source term—the Patient ID, Document Number, and more—and Oracle Clinical stores whatever information you specify to derive from TMS—for example, the classification-level term to which a source term is classified, an Informative Note associated with the term, and related terms in higher dictionary levels. If you reclassify a term in TMS, Oracle Clinical automatically rederives the information for each affected source term (Oracle Clinical question response).

For more information about using TMS with Oracle Clinical, see Integrating TMS with Oracle Clinical.

Using TMS with the Remote Data Capture Option

If TMS is integrated with Oracle Clinical supporting Remote Data Capture, RDC users can submit verbatim terms immediately to TMS by executing the RDC option Validate Patient; see the Oracle Clinical Remote Data Capture Onsite User's Guide for details. If TMS can autocode a term, it immediately returns the appropriate derivations to RDC. If TMS cannot autocode a term, the term remains in TMS as an omission and its derivations are returned to RDC after it is manually coded.

You can set up the RDC Special Listings page to view adverse events or concomitant medications or any other category of data that uses TMS for coding; see RDC Action Informative Notes.

Using TMS with AERS

Oracle Adverse Event Reporting System (AERS) uses TMS internally as its dictionary coding system for adverse events and medications. You can do TMS coding interactively from the AERS user interface.

Instructions for installing TMS with AERS are included in the Oracle Adverse Event Reporting System Installation Guide. Instructions for coding terms in TMS through AERS are included in the Oracle Adverse Event Reporting System User's Guide.