Activate your account

The first time you sign in, you specify your password. You can work on a smartphone, tablet, or computer.

To activate your account:
  1. Locate the Welcome message sent from


    If you cannot find the Welcome email message, check your Junk folder in your email application. If you still cannot locate it, reach out to your Oracle Customer Success manager or Oracle Health Immunization Management administrator and ask that person to send the message to you again.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the message and select Sign In.

    The Sign In link expires in approximately 36 hours. (Your message includes details on the exact expiration range.) If the link expires before you click it, contact the help desk using the phone number listed in the Welcome email message. Or, if you know the name of the administrator who added your account to the system, contact that person. If Oracle added you as the first user of the system, contact your Oracle Customer Success manager and request another Welcome message.

  3. Create a bookmark for the web site that opens in the browser. That way, you can save time when you need to sign in to Oracle Health Immunization Management in the future.
  4. Enter your password. Then enter it again to confirm it and select Set Password to open Oracle Health Immunization Management.