Add a patient group

Administrators can add a patient group to Oracle Health Immunization Management. That way, you can sort patients in the system by placing them in the appropriate group.

If you want to add multiple patient groups at once, see Upload data on patients, groups, locations, or users in bulk instead of this procedure.
To add a patient group and add patients to it:
  1. Select Administration tab from the banner.
  2. Select Manage Patient Groups to open the Manage Patient Groups page. It lists names of the previously added groups (if any) and includes details on the creation date and number of patients in the group.
  3. Select Add Patient Group from the top of the page to open the Create Patient Group page.
  4. Enter data in the following fields:
    • Group Name (required): Enter a name that helps you identify the group (up to 100 characters).
    • Code (required): Enter a code in uppercase letters that identifies the group (up to 60 characters).
    • Description: Enter a detailed description of the group (up to 255 characters).
    • Group Type: Select the group type that helps you identify the type of group. For example, you may see the choice of School or Vaccination Cohort in the drop-down list. A school indicates the group belongs to a particular school, such as a college. A vaccination cohort is a group of people with something in common. For example, the group consists of adults 16-49 years old, front line healthcare workers, or people at a correctional center.
    • Parent Group: Select the parent group from the drop-down list. For example, you may see the name of a school or a type of vaccination cohert.
    • Contact Name: Enter the name of the person you want to use as the contact (up to 255 characters).
    • Contact Phone: Enter the phone number of the contact person.
    • Contact Email: Enter the email of the contact person.
    • Parent Location: Select the name of the location from the drop-down list.
    • Public Group: Enter Y for Yes if the group is public or N for No.
    • Physical Location: Enter Y for Yes if the group is a physical location or N for No.
  5. Select Add Patient Group. You see a success message in the banner. The Manage Patient Groups page lists the name of the recently added group to the top. It includes details on the creation date and number of patients in the group.
  6. To add group members, select Patients at the end of the row to open the Add Patients page.
  7. Search for the patients you want to add and select the check box next to the patient name.
  8. Select Add Select Patients and select OK to confirm. You see a success message that indicates how many patients you added.
The next time you access the Patient Groups list, you see the group includes the number of patients you added at the end of the row.