Upload data on patients, groups, locations, or users in bulk

Patients can register themselves through Oracle Health Immunization Management Patient Portal or an agent can register them when they arrive for walk-in appointments. In addition, administrators can upload data for multiple patients, patient groups, locations, or system users.

Oracle Health Immunization Management provides a template CSV file that you can use to provide the required field data. When complete, you can upload it to the system. For more information, see Bulk Upload.
To upload data for multiple patients, patient groups, locations, or system users at once:
  1. Select the Administration tab from the banner.
  2. Select Load Data to open the Load Data page. It lists names of the previously uploaded CSV files (if any). Each line item includes details on the file name and when the load started and completed.
  3. Select Upload New File from the top of the page to open the Upload New File page.
  4. Select one of the following:
    • Patients (default): Select this option to access the template file to add multiple patients at once. To use the template file, scroll down the page and select Download Patients Sample and open it in Excel. The top row includes the name of each field (for example, first, middle, and last name and contact method, address, and country). It also contains some sample data that you need to remove when you start adding your real data.
    • Patient Groups: Select this option to access the template file to add multiple patient groups at once. To use the template file, scroll down the page and select Download Groups Sample and open it in Excel. The top row includes the name of each field (for example, group code, name, type, contact name, contact phone and location). It also contains some sample data that you need to remove when you start adding your real data.
    • Locations: Select this option to access the template file to add multiple locations at once. To use the template file, scroll down the page and select Download Locations Sample and open it in Excel. The top row includes the name of each field (for example, location name, code, clinical setting, active or not, and address). It also contains some sample data that you need to remove when you start adding your real data.
    • Users: Select this option to access the template file to add multiple system users at once. To use the template file, scroll down the page and select Download Users Sample and open it in Excel. The top row includes the name of each field (for example, user name, first and last name, time zone, language code, role, and location). It also contains some sample data that you need to remove when you start adding your real data.
  5. Enter the field information for the patient, patient group, location, or user one row at a time. For more information, select the <data type> File Format Information link to open the Data Load File Format dialog box. It describes what you need to enter for each column and lists the required fields, maximum characters allowed, and valid field entries.


    To ensure optimum performance, do not exceed the limit of 5,000 records per file.
  6. Save the file with an appropriate name.
  7. Enter a short description of the file in the File Description field.
  8. Select anywhere in the Choose File field to browse to the file you want to upload.
  9. If you plan to upload patient data and you want the system to check for duplicates, select Check for duplicates on upload.
  10. Select Upload File. You see a success message in the banner (for example, "Loaded 25 patients, created 1 group"). The Load Data tab now shows details on the file you just added at the top of the list. Select Download from the end of the row if you need to download the file for any reason.


    • You can select Refresh as the file uploads to see the number of lines (rows) processed. If you selected Patients to upload a patient file and the file contains errors, you see a section that lists the rows with errors in red. The Error column lists details on the problem and stops uploading the data. If you see warnings instead of errors the rows show messages in blue and the system continues to upload the data.
    • The upload process opens to the All Lines tab to see the records in the file. But, you can also see an Errors tab to show the number of errors (if any) and a Loaded tab to the number of records loaded into the system.
    • If you see warnings during the upload (for example, missing required field information), you can select Delete File to stop the upload process if necessary. You can then correct the warnings in the file, save it, and try uploading the file again. You can also download the errors to a CSV file by selecting Download Warnings.
    • If your file contains errors, you can select the Errors tab to see more details. You can also download the errors to a CSV file by selecting Download Errors. You must fix the errors in the file, save it, and upload it again by repeating steps 7-9.
    • If your file contains duplicates (for patients only), the system shows a warning and continues the upload. But, it skips exact matches to patients already in the system. For close matches (more than or equal to 75%), it flags the patient data as a duplicate and continues uploading the file. You can resolve the duplicate data later as described in Merge duplicate patient data.